Drug abuse awareness education & trainings, reaching all areas of the community...
Drug awareness and drug education is one of the keys to solving the problem. ACT on Drugs provides vital information to parent’s, teens, teachers and administrators, health care providers, social workers and case workers, law enforcement personnel, judicial officials and other professionals about the common and uncommon drugs and other abused-substances.
The ACT on Drugs staff uses PowerPoint enhanced lectures and seminars to teach a variety of audiences about substance abuse. The training sessions may be 1-4 hours in length. Each presentation is tailored to the specific audience and each presentation includes a correlated handout that is distributed to the audience. The handouts are regularly updated to provide the most recent information.
Find out how our trainings reach your audience...
School Trainings
Since it was founded, ACT has enacted with over 150,000 youth, educations and parents in Colorado and the national. Learn more...
Parents, Educators & Community
ACT provides extremely powerful and informative presentations to parents, educators and administrators. Learn more...
Employers & Workplace
Learn more about how training your company leaders and managers to identify, manage and support those who are struggling with substance abuse.
Law Enforcement
Training specific to school resource officers, morticians, first responders, and law enforcement. Learn more...