Empower Kids to Make
Healthier Decisions
By implementing a unique comprehensive drug education program that utilizes a whole person approach to learning.
Healthier Kids
Fewer Drugs
Empowered Teachers
Do you consistently find the same kids using drugs even after multiple attempts to help them quit?
Kids today need more information. We’ve found that when we teach them about drugs and their consequences kids tend to make better decisions on their own because they understand what’s at stake.
Do you struggle to answer the hard questions kids are asking about drugs?
ACT on Drugs Presents a Conversation with The Drug Lady teaches kids about the substances that they could encounter and what those substances do to their body and mind.
Have “Just Say No” programs left you feeling powerless?
ACT on Drugs Presents a Conversation with The Drug Lady teaches kids about the substances that they could encounter and what those substances do to their body and mind.
Dear Lynn,
I very much appreciate the time you took to come in and speak to us not on your opinions about drugs but rather the objective truths of how each drug is LIKELY to impact you.
– Student
Dear Lynn,
I want to start off by thanking you for coming in and speaking to our class for a week. I have never wanted to come to health class so much as I did last week.
So what separates “a Conversation with The Drug Lady program” from traditional drug education programs?
- ACT on Drugs Presents a Conversation with The Drug Lady is a unique comprehensive drug education program that utilizes a whole person approach to learning.
- The program includes 8 class-length videos.
- The videos are paired with corresponding full curriculum (study guides and test materials).
- The curriculum follows CASEL Framework and meets SHAPE Standards.
- You’ll be able to access the program through an easy to use online portal.
- Kids will hear real stories from young people in recovery.
- The tutorials were filmed in a classroom style setting with real kids in attendance.
- English and Spanish versions are available
- These current, science-based trainings have been successful for 23 years.

So you could keep on ignoring the problem …
One School Counselor said, ”Our teachers are very particular on who they have speak to the students. They rarely allow guest speakers on drugs and alcohol because many of the approaches used apply fear tactics and are poorly received by the students. They stated that they wanted someone with real life experience who knew what they were talking about.
Lynn is all of this and more. She engages the students so effortlessly by use of humor and truths that many people do not always share. Lynn is one of the most informed people I know with a valuable perspective as ex-Law Enforcement.”
Or, you could get your kids the information they need to make good decisions about drugs themselves.
Dear Lynn,
Thank you so much for taking the time to come talk to our class … I’m not going to lie, when my teacher told our class that a guest speaker would be coming in to talk to us about drugs, I considered not coming to class because I thought it would be a typical anti-drug advocate whose goal is to use scare tactics to steer us away from drug use. But I’m so glad I came to class; your whole presentation and manner in presenting the facts was extremely eye-opening (and entertaining – you’re very funny!). I love that your goal wasn’t exactly to steer us away from drugs, but to simply educate us about the effects of them. I also love how passionate you are about providing life-saving resources because you understand that drug use will always exist. (Like how you told us you’re fighting to get Narcan available in schools). I also want to say thank you for providing us with mental health resources; it’s so comforting to know that there are people who genuinely care and understand the importance of Mental Health and that I’m not alone in my thoughts and feelings. Anyways, thank you again for coming into our class. I’m so glad that there are people who devote themselves to helping and educating others. I appreciate you and all that you do!
– Student
- Has Lynn watched Breaking Bad and is it an accurate depiction of Meth life?
- YES, Lynn loves Breaking Bad!! Breaking Bad doesn’t make meth right but other than that, it is pretty accurate to the lifestyle and chaos around drug culture.
- Are you going to keep doing the program?
- Yes, we plan on educating kids for years to come.
- How do I get the program for my school?
- You can purchase the program here, or you can contact us for more information.
- What’s your craziest story from a drug bust?
- There are so many stories from bombs and booby traps in homes, to meth labs in the baby’s room, to trying to flush drugs down the toilet when the SWAT team enters, marijuana grows throughout the entire home. The one I really was fascinated by was when we were on a drug bust dealing with a Crack dealer/user. After SWAT kicked the door down and secured the scene we went in and started searching. I was handling the evidence that day, so I set up at the kitchen table where the suspect was handcuffed. I introduced myself and told the gentleman what I was doing. A short time later, an officer brought me a bag of red and green rocks. I said to the gentleman, “This is crack cocaine, isn’t it Sir?” He replied, “Yes ma’am it is.” I said, “Did you make it?” He said, “yes ma’am.” I then said, “Can I ask you a question?” He said, “You can ask me anything.” I said, “Ok, I am a nerdy chemist and I want to know how you made it. What did you use?” He smiled at me and said, “Jello!” I replied, “Jello? Why would you do that sir?” He smiled at me and said, “Because then ma’am when we smoke the crack it tastes like lime and cherry!” I thought that was genius!
- What’s some crazy places people hide drugs?
- Body parts, in babies’ diapers, in vents, in false walls, in the kids toy chest, in kitty litter, in bags of sugar in the pantry, under the floorboard, they hide drugs everywhere!
- When I worked for the DEA one case that came in was a huge aquarium with fish in it. Half the fish were dead. The dead fish had been gutted and had vials of Heroin inside the dead fish.
- One case I handled when at DEA was beautiful Persian Rugs with baggies of heroin laced in the rug. That case took a long time intricately cutting each stand to find the baggies.
- Can I use this program in my health class?
- Yes, it’s specifically designed to integrate with health-class curriculum/standards. Its scientifically-based information also integrates well with science classes like chemistry/biology/forensics as well as Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) classes.
- How long are the videos?
- All of the videos are created to fit within a 50 minute class period.
- Can I spread them throughout the semester or would it be better to show them all at once?
- Most health classes have a drug-related segment within the semester, but they can also be spread throughout the semester, whichever works best for your teaching style.
- Can I use this program during the Freshman Seminar?
- Yes, incoming freshmen are a great audience for ACT on Drugs Presents a Conversation with The Drug Lady. They then will get more indepth education with other videos during their Health Classes.
- How does the subscription work?
- Schools/Districts can purchase a 1-year or 3-year subscription, whichever works best for their school. 3-year subscription purchases will receive a discount.
- How do I access the program?
- Teachers will receive login information after purchasing the program.