
Want to know more about drugs and their effects?

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COCAINE and Crack

Cocaine is a powerfully addictive drug. Once having tried cocaine a user may have difficulty controlling the extent to which he or she will continue to use the drug. Cocaine produces intense euphoria and alertness, makes users feel more energetic and reduces hunger. Cocaine’s effects appear almost immediately after a single dose and lasts about…

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Moderate doses of heroin cause euphoria, a warm “rush” sensation, constricted pupils, and nausea. Higher doses result in restlessness, constipation, droopy eyelids (on the nod), shallow and slow breathing, depressed cough reflux, sweatiness, lethargy, slow heart rate, and sedation. Overdose results in respiratory failure and death. The drug is highly addictive and withdrawal symptoms (cold…

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Narcan reverses an opioid overdose. It is an opioid antagonist. It is commonly found as a nasal spray. It is legal to posses and recognized as a lifesaving procedure. It works by knocking opioids off the brain stem and then binding to the receptors to restore breathing. If Narcan catches, it will also put the body…

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Long Term consequences of using hallucinogens Persistent changes in personality/attitudes, depression, spirituality, anxiety, wellbeing, substance misuse, meditative practices, and mindfulness were documented. Mystical experiences, connectedness, emotional breakthrough, and increased neural entropy were related to these long-term changes in psychological functioning (Aday JS et al.Neurosci Biohav Rev.2020 Jun;113:179). Recognizing the possibility of long-term effects is critical…

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