Ecstasy (3-4-methylendioxy-N-methamphetamine or MDMA) is a chemical cousin to methamphetamine and a psychedelic amphetamine with both hallucinogenic and stimulant properties. These effects can last for 3 – 6 hours, however, side effects can last for weeks.
Ecstasy is usually in tablet form, however it can be in powder form. The tablets come in all colors and have various logos or images on them. The color and the logo have meaning as to what is in the tablet and the expected intensity of the reaction. Ecstasy pills may also contain cocaine, BZP, heroin, LSD or methamphetamine. Users need to know the lingo or jargon that goes along with Ecstasy so they know what they are getting.
Ecstasy is very popular in Raves and in the Club Scene. Users often believe this drug is harmless, however, there are reported links between Ecstasy use and long-term damage to parts of the brain that are critical for attention, thought, pleasure and memory.