ACT on Drugs started when Lynn Riemer, decided to focus her efforts on educating kids about drugs and leave the field of forensic chemistry behind. Lynn’s years in the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and the North Metro Drug Task Force gave her first hand experience with the drug world as she analyzed drugs and took down meth labs.

Lynn has been visiting schools, organizations and events in person, spreading her knowledge with the public. ACT on Drugs Presents a Conversation with The Drug Lady is the continuation of her mission. Lynn has produced a series of videos and curriculum that schools can use to educate their students about drugs. If you’d like to learn how to get your school involved please visit our product page for more info.
Lynn believes that giving kids the facts about drugs and letting them make their own decisions is the best way to help them avoid the negative consequences that all drug users face. The banner she raises in the fight against drug use is in some ways a fight against the glamorization of drugs in popular culture today.
Drug abuse awareness education & trainings, reaching all areas of the community…
Lynn believes that drug awareness and drug education are the keys to solving the world’s drug problem. ACT on Drugs Inc. provides vital information to parent’s, teens, teachers and administrators, health care providers, social workers and case workers, law enforcement personnel, judicial officials and other professionals about the common and uncommon drugs and other abused substances.
Lynn has been presenting drug education trainings for over 23 years. She has provided over 10,000 training sessions to over 600,000 attendees.
Lynn spends a lot of time in schools talking with every age group, elementary schools, middle schools, high schools and even colleges and universities. Her work has taken her to public and private institutions, alternative schools, and lock up facilities.

Lynn also speaks to all types of first responders, governmental and non-governmental organizations, businesses, groups. She has done training for ER Doctors/Nurses, Coroners, Highway Safety Summits, Safe Schools, Governors Conferences, CASA and Foster Parents, Oil Industry Professionals, Building Contractors, Prevention Specialists, Courts, Counselors, Realtors, and Tissue Banks to name a few.
All of her trainings are customized to the specific needs of the organization. Lynn always has new and current information on drugs and substances popping up in communities across the US.
If you are interested in having Lynn speak to your group, please contact her directly at or 720-480-0291