Make an Impact
Vaping deaths, opioid crisis, prescription drug abuse, fentanyl deaths… these tragedies that are all too common! We must do something, and in fact have a responsibility to do something, to stop the illicit use of drugs.
What can you do?
The best way to support ACT on Drugs Inc. is to tell people you know about our program. We’d love to reach out to every kid in the world. So if you know of a school or organization that could benefit from watching ACT on Drugs Presents a Conversation with The Drug Lady, please send them our way.

As a non-profit organization, we also gladly accept financial support for the ACT on Drugs Inc. education program.
Your donation goes a long way toward helping youth make better decisions when it comes to drugs. Thank you for your support.
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Letters from students
“I am so glad you came, not for me but for my friend. The program you had made her think and she realized that just because she hit a bad spot in life does not mean she needs drugs. She told me that the night you came she hated life so much she was going to take some prescription drugs her parents had. She did not take them because of your program. Thank you so much, because of your program she is still alive and getting her life back on track. Thank you so very much.” -Student
“Lynn this has always been a tough subject for me. I’ve watched multiple people in my life suffer with addiction and I always asked myself why. Why don’t they stop? Why do they do all these terrible things? I’ve tried for years to get closure, & get some answers and until I listened to your presentation, I never understood. Now I feel like I know their problem on a deeper level, and I finally feel like I can forgive those people. I know it’s silly, getting all of this from a couple days of listening to you, but because of it I have the closure I needed. I also learned I need to make better choices myself. Thank you.” -Student
“Thank you very much for coming to our class to tell us about drugs. You taught me a lot about drugs. I used to smoke a lot of Marijuana and after your talk I never want to touch it again. I thank you a lot because I needed confidence from someone to get on track to a better road. I will remember you for a long time. You are amazing, so keep up the good work. Thank you!” -Student
“Lynn thank you for coming to talk to us about drugs because it’s everywhere in high school and all the effects are really terrifying and life changing. Made me go home and think about the path I was heading down. I want to be a doctor and drugs is not getting me to my goal and I want to thank you for opening my eyes.” –Student