
Mature caucasian teacher leading a presentation with her colleagues during a meeting.

Hey Teachers! Start Here

Here you’ll find a letter from Lynn, the SHAPE Standards, CASEL Framework, and a Glossary of Terms.

Introduction logo is blue with lightning shaped arrows.


This is the first course. It’s a good place for both you and your students to get acquainted with the program.

Happy group of young people in circle.


Here you’ll find the post assessment and an optional alternative final.


Mature caucasian teacher leading a presentation with her colleagues during a meeting.

¡Hola profesores! Comiencen aquí

Aquí encontrará una carta de Lynn, los estándares SHAPE y un glosario de términos.

Introduction logo is blue with lightning shaped arrows.


Este es el primer curso y es un buen lugar para que tanto usted como sus alumnos se familiaricen con el programa.

Happy group of young people in circle.


Aquí encontrarás la evaluación posterior y un final alternativo opcional.